Hardware and software
A computer is a machine that can be programmed to accept data and and process it into useful information and store it away for safekeeping or later reuse. We have 4 words in this definition which are very important in the whole computing process that is machine, program, input and output.
What is machine
Machine is called hardware. input and and output devices are part of the hardware machine that can now be as a complete computer system.
What is software
A program is called a software. So to functions, a computer system require four main aspects of data handling that is input, processing, output and storage. The hardware responsible for these four areas, and operates as described below
input devices accept data in a form that the computer can use and then send it to the processing unit
the processor CPU has the electronics circuitry dad m Dad manyfew lates input data into the form of useful information the processor actually existed use the instructions in a logical sequence
output devices show us the process to data that is information in the shape we want it
Storage usually means secondary storage, which consists of secondary storage devices such as hard disk ,floppy disk and CDs etc. Which can store data and programs outside the computer itself. These devices actually supplement main memory which can hold data and programs only temporarily. This whole process is shown in the following figure
Hardware devices
Following are the main hardware devices in any computer system
Input devices that is keyboard, mouse, microphones etc.
Output devices that is printers monitors etc.
Main memory come comprising of RAM and ROM.
I/O device that is terminals and touch screen etc.
Memory that is hard disk, floppy disk, Compact Disc, tape etc.
Inter-connectors that is cables, buses etc.
Networking devices that is Modem, Bridge, Router etc.